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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.



American Youth Soccer Organization welcomes you to our world of soccer.

Thank you for your support and visiting our website.

Please follow City ordinances while at the park. There is no exception.

Fall 2024 Registration Open March 5,2024 till June22, 2024
Registration temporarily extended until we have filled all team positions.(6/25/2024)
Some spots still available in our
Jamboree, U6 and Upper Division Girls
until 8/31/24

The regional price is $160+fees*. Early bird discount until 4/27/2024

Read the Refund Policy which is listed on our website "REFUND POLICY"

The parent creates a Sports Connect Account (SCA) on our website to register players. 
The children players are signed up under the parent's SCA as a participant.


All Volunteers create their own SCA. They must have own unique email.
Youth volunteers
create  own SCA after receiving the invitation email (Family Circle) created in the Parent SCA.
Even if they are registered players, to become an AYSO youth volunteers follow the steps for Family Circle.
Spouse or family relative may also use Family Circle procedure before creating a new SCA.
Not so familiar or unsure? Please read the page INFORMATION FOR PARENTS?

The waitlist will give limited opportunity to sign up. Read the waitlist procedure in the panel below.

 Late registration may result in late team assignment or no assignment and not receiving a uniform on time for first play.
For any registration problems or questions, please call our Regional Commissioner or Registrar.

Players are put in teams at random to create Balanced Teams but he Coach's child is placed in the coach team.
Do not ask for a specific coach. Coaches receive team & players based on what the SportsConnect system distributes.

The board reserves the right to reassign players at any time for the benefit for the AYSO Regional Soccer Program.
We want all players to develop in a fun family atmosphere according to the AYSO Philosophies.

We plan to have 9 game days for the 2024 Fall Season. There is no guarantee. 
Weather or other circumstances beyond our control like: Rain-out or
Special Events by City of Bakersfield may prevent us from playing soccer.

VOLUNTEERING - Please read!

AYSO volunteers re-register in the seasonal program in their OWN  SportsConnect Account (SCA).
AYSO Volunteers are protected under the federal Volunteer Protection Act 1997 when meeting the requirements.
Volunteers not share an account with parents, spouses or others also NOT as added or 2nd Account Holder
To make a volunteer part of your family circle, create a volunteer role and use invite instead of selecting yourselves
when the role is selected and finish the procedure for volunteer application. The invitee must have a unique email. Thus
not  used as login on Sports Connect anywhere, like a Secondary Account Holder or Primary User.
Most volunteers work with or for a  team and must sign up as volunteer under the Soccer Seasonal 
Soccer program like FALL 2024 (Core). For example coaches, referees, team manager, team parent, field prep, etc.

Volunteers not working for a team or with a team.
These volunteers help the region run and improve the soccer program and work the entire year regardless of the
seasonal soccer program schedule. They not earn ref points, get benefits for a team or support specific team activities.
For these volunteers jobs are listed under "MY2024 Volunteers Not working with or for a team"
Volunteer records are only visible for the duration of the Season Program, Fall 2024 (Core).

As a rule of thumb, volunteers check their records each week while active in the Seasonal Program.
It is a good habit that volunteers check there record at the end of the season once more to ensure proper credentials.
Contact us immediately for any discrepancies. Certain records will expire and must be renewed.
If you would like to volunteer in some other way please  call Julio Velez at 661-556-2931.

Coaches can call the coach administrator Jose Espinoza 805-824-3730.
Referees can call the referee administrator Andres Maldonado 559-970-7211
other volunteers can contact Julio Velez 661-556-29331.

Enjoy your AYSO Spring Season.


Surveys helps us to improve our program to serve your community. Click This survey 
Do you like to play in an AYSO adult soccer program? Click here.

Contact us at [email protected] for all questions


Our regional board is trying our best to serve many players in our community. For questions contact our Regional Commissioner Julio Velez, [email protected].

Due to increasing late sign-ups of players it is no longer possible to meet the required minimum lead times for uniforms, inform coaches with sufficient time to reach out to parents to have their first meeting and to train coaches, referees and other volunteers on time before the soccer season opens. The system offers the waitlist solution for parents who sign up late,

Late responses from parents of players taken from the waiting list delayed registration and the opportunities for other players. In order to serve our community in the best way we had to limit response time to 48 hours. Once the email is sent that there is an opening for a player, the parent must pay online within 48 hours for the registration. See below procedure.

1.      Why a player is put on the waiting list?

a.       The registration period is closed.

b.      The max number of players in the division has been reached.

2.      What does it mean to be on a waiting list?

a.       The system will send an email that you are on the waiting list.

b.      There is no guarantee that the player has a place on a team but may have a chance.

c.       A wait-listed player shows $0 charge in your account.

d.      Check your email often.

3.      How are players taken of the waiting list?

a.       Players on the waiting list are taken off on a first-on first-off basis.

b.      An opening for a player on a team becomes available.

c.       The system will send an email with instructions to go to your account and pay the open balance.

d.      Click on the View/Pay in your shopping cart in your account to pay the balance.

e.        This has to be done within 48 hours.

f.        If registration completes with payment of balance, then the player is placed on a team.

4.      What happens if registration is not completed in 48 hours after a player is taken from the waiting list?

a.       That player has lost the immediate opportunity to get on a team.

b.      The next player on the waiting list is offered the opportunity starting with step 3c.

c.       This continues until the waiting list is empty or a player has properly registered with payment.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q1: When I registered and was placed on the waitlist, I thought I paid.

A1: All waitlisted players have a $0 registration charge even going through the entire registration procedure.

If you paid, then the system will generate a receipt to your email with the amount.

Q2: I thought I was on the waiting list but now I am taken off but not registered.

A2: When a player is taken of the waiting list, the parent has 48 hours to pay the registration balance.

Q3: I did not get a message that my player was taken of the Waitlist and payment of balance was required.

A3: Make sure that your account on Sports Connect has the latest information on email and a current phone number.
Send an email to us if your email changed but not yet put in your Sports Connect account when wait-listed.

Q4: Is the player who missed the opportunity for immediate placement back on the waiting list?
A4: No. Re-registering must be done manually by the parent after a player is taken of the waiting list.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 73

Box 371, 4725 Panama Lane Ste D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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