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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.


Click here to go directly to Volunteer Registration
Read the panels below about volunteering in AYSO.
Our organization depends on the many and great volunteers helping our community to provide quality soccer programs
in which we promote a safe, fun, family environment based on our tenets like positive coaching and player development.

Referee Clinics                 Coach Clinics

AYSO Safe Haven            

For training courses and transcripts
see eTrainU or ask our board for information.

If you were AYSO trained before:
You had credentials on AYSOU but eTrainU does not show these credits then
Contact our board with details on your training. Helpful info are: dates and instructor(s).


AYSO Volunteers are the driving force to keep AYSO as strong as it is today providing quality soccer programs for development of youth under 19 years of age. They are protected under the Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 if they are registered, trained (certified) and act in accordance with their responsibilities on approved AYSO events.

How you become a Referee Volunteer is shown as example. The process is the same for every volunteer other than the task education.
Avoid problems and view the important notes on volunteer registration. Ask our board members if you have questions.

First things first:
Every Volunteer must have his/her own Sports Connect account (primary account holder).
They create this on our website

Youth Volunteer
Youth  must be invited by the parent within an existing Sports Connect Account on our website.
An invite is generated when a parent in her/his own account starts a volunteer application but when the selection comes up to choose the person who is going to volunteer choose "other" and complete the information for the  youth (other).
The invitee (youth) must have a unique email address as this will be used as the new ID.
The youth receives a link in their email and creates own Sports Connect account (primary holder).
The youth completes the AYSO Volunteer Application in their own (new) account) and the parent with a Sports Connect account will e-sign the Volunteer Application.

(Re-)register as AYSO volunteer every year. Examples:  Referee, Youth Referee, Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager.

Youtube Videos show how to sign up as a volunteer. Have a look and then come back to our website for more details.
Any reference  in the videos to a specific region in this video is an example, so substitute it with Region 73.

Click here for regular (adult) volunteer Registration - Application.
Click here for signing up your youth volunteer like your own child/player. 


Team volunteers sign up under the Fall or Spring program and includes referee and youth volunteer
NOTE: Volunteers signing up in the EPIC program do this to support the Developmentally disabled Players.
Click on Volunteer icon in your account left panel. Then select FIND NEW ROLES button.
Select the Soccer Program, like Fall 2024 > View Divisions > Select any division like 16-19U > View Selected Opportunities
Scroll through the volunteer roles > Select role and click. Then complete the Volunteer Application.

Staff volunteers can sign up under this soccer program. Pick any role in the program. The actual role of the staff is assigned
by the Regional Commissioner, Julio Velez. 

See also the videos above.

If you wish to invite some other person in your family circle, like a youth to become a volunteer then click on the INVITE button instead on selecting yourselves when you arrive at the choice of finalizing the role selection. The (Youth) invitee must have a unique email address to receive the invite. Upon receiving the email with a link, the youth creates a new account on Sports Connect. The youth email becomes his login ID and will create a password. In the new account the volunteer finishes the volunteer application. It will be e-signed by the Parent (invitor). The new volunteer page in the new account shows the credentials and an AYSOU button. This button gives access to the training platform (Etrainu) with Auto-Log-in.
See also the instructional videos under menu item VOLUNTEERING & TRAINING in the drop down menu.

What is next?
How a referee or coach receives training. Each job has an AYSO training program.
To receive training see ETRAINU menu left panel. Training Courses Library folder for new courses. My Training folder for courses already started. 
Courses can be repeated for continued education.
In AYSO training is structured for each job. It is for beginners and and continues to higher levels.

All AYSO Volunteers 
must complete the following (most are CA mandated):
- AYSO Safe Haven Course or refresher. Annually. ETRAINU (ETU) online or in-person course.
- CDC concussion course, Bi-annually. Can upload certificate if not taken through ETU
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest.  Once. Can upload certificate if not taken through ETU

Youth 18 and over and adults:

Volunteer background check (see Note hereunder) SterlingVolunteers
- SafeSport Training - 
 the first time is 90 minutes, and repeated every three years, followed by annual updates in then-between years, which are 30 minutes.
Livescan fingerprint background check -  You perform this process for each applicable organization you volunteer with, but the good news is that this is a one-time requirement. See also our website "Live Scan Fingerprint Services".
The background check does not share databases with Livescan/Fingerprinting and thus is separate.


- Adults do this annually by SterlingVolunteersIt must show status color green and an expiration date.
Youth receives no background check and have status color blue on their risk status. 
- The volunteer renews Risk status  every year but the system allows 15 months before expiring validity.

An email is sent to your email address by SterlingVolunteers when you have signed up as volunteer or renew Risk Status.
Follow the steps in this email to complete procedure. Most volunteers have created an account with SterlingVolunteers.
Choose pay later option (invoice) for payment so the charge of $25 will go to our region.
Usually in one day your Risk Status on the volunteer page will be cleared and shows an expiration date.
An expired Risk Status requires that you check the Risk Status check-box and click on button Renew & Update to renew.
- Volunteer background check (see Note hereunder)

Steps for completing courses (Some courses require pre-requisites):
Example is for a referee but other volunteer roles will have similar steps to follow.

Step 1: Go to ETU (education website) - Use the AYSOU button.

Step 2: Regional Referee Online Course and the Companion course
Step 3: Continue with the course until all modules are done including the exam
Step 4: Print the Certificate
Step 5: Enroll in a Companion Course and attend in person.
Step 6: Verify in ETU Skills Folder that you received credits for the courses you completed. DO NOT WAIT.

You will not get credit for a course if you have not completed the pre-requisites for that course. Contact the instructor to clarify.
DO NOT ASSUME that the instructor will call you or you receive emails to inform you of credits received for a course. It is your responsibility
to verify that you received the credit. Most instructors close rosters in 24 hours so you should check your ETU record.



 You Are A Great AYSVolunteer

  AYSO cannot exist without the dedicated group of volunteers.
They do it for the community children and are not paid.
Sign up as volunteer to help our children have a quality soccer program.


AYSO Volunteers register annually in a Sports Connect Account (SCA). Volunteers not share an SCA even if they are in the same household. Owner of the SCA is called the Primary Account Holder (PAH). Only PAH can register as AYSO (youth) volunteer. Another person can be authorized as a Secondary Account Holder (SAH) but must not create a second AYSO volunteer in the same SCA. From inside the SCA a volunteer role can be chosen for ANOTHER person and then send him/her an invite to complete the volunteer application using a link sent to their (unique) email address of the new volunteer. Players can be youth volunteers but must create own SCA with unique email address. DO NOT sign up a player registered under a parent SCA as a (youth) volunteer in the parent SCA as they are not the PAH. Use the invite instead.
SCA is made once at the regional portal website for each parent and every (youth-)volunteer.
An application is completed annually in the owner's SCA. Volunteer registration valid 8/1 - 7/31 next year. 
 Read the " Important Notes for Registering as a Volunteer " 

- Parent is the PAH with a SCA under which all players (PARTICIPANT) in the same household can be registered.
- PAH must have legal guardianship of players which are registered cannot be the coach unless it is the parent.
- SAH is an authorized adult authorized to access the SCA but shall not register as a Volunteer under that SCA
- The AYSO insurance is linked to the player(s) registered under the PAH and SCA

- Team volunteers are addressed in SportsConnect as (team) admins when submitting rosters.

- All volunteers must be PAH of their SCA. NO sharing SportsConnect accounts between (youth-)volunteers
- Only the PAH completes an AYSO volunteer application in their SCA if they want to volunteer.
- PAH can sent invites to others to volunteer but not register them as volunteers in their own SCA.
The invitee must create own SCA in which they can select a volunteer role and complete AYSO (youth) volunteer application.
- PLEASE DO NOT Register yourselves as a participant as that means you are a player for the season.
- Use the Volunteer Icon on the left side of your account main screen and FIND VOLUNTEER ROLES.
- Team members like: Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers, Team Referees, Team Fund Managers, Communication Managers all register in the core program.  When in doubt see if any volunteer role is available in the Core program.
- Other roles like Instructors, Assessors, Board members, etc will register in different programs which will open late like August to avoid confusion with roles in the core program.
- For a list of POSSIBLE volunteer positions in AYSO see: > Volunteers

A parent must own an SCA  BEFORE the youth volunteer starts the AYSO volunteer application in her/\his SCA.
- The parent listed on the Sports connect system e-signs the AYSO youth volunteer application in the SCA of the youth.
- A parent does not have to be an AYSO volunteer to e-sign the AYSO application of the youth.
- It is strongly recommended that family members or relatives also volunteer to motivate youth referees to earn community credits for school.
- Parents can create an invitation in their own account (Volunteer Page) for their youth or partner volunteers (must have unique email). This adds the new volunteer to their family circle. The invitee receives a link in his/her email and completes the registration by creating a new account . When a volunteer logs in with a new account but same email the system attempt to link it with the existing (old) account.

        Important Notes for Registering as an AYSO Volunteer. 

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 73

Box 371, 4725 Panama Lane Ste D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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