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, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.


Jewelry, accessories, casts, etc. guidelines

Each season we need to explain the jewelry, cast, and other guidelines. This article, therefore, is designed to answer frequently asked questions about these for your reference.
Keep in mind that these guidelines are part of the Laws of the Game and AYSO Safe Haven training.

Let’s start with what is allowed:

  • Medical Identification bracelets are allowed to be worn by players as long as it is taped or otherwise covered by something which keeps the bracelet close to the skin so other players cannot get a finger stuck underneath it. The recommendation is to use medical tape wrapped around the wrist which shows the player is wearing a medical bracelet, the tape is close to the skin, and can easily be removed after the game. A sweat band on the wrist is not acceptable.

  • Nothing else is allowed. Let’s be a little more specific:
  •  Earrings and other piercings - Players cannot wear earrings during practices or games. The rule is for the player’s safety. And, no, covering earring with a band-aid is not allowed. Earrings must be removed or the player cannot play.

    The player’s parents and the team coach are responsible for making sure all earrings are removed. The referee will inspect players prior to the game and cannot allow a player to play in the game if they are wearing earrings. This does not relief the coach of the responsibility not to allow players to wear earrings when making/preparing for the substitutions.

    If the referee discovers a player is wearing earrings (during play), then the referee is required to suspend the match and ask the player to leave the field of play. The player can return to play at the next natural stoppage in play (so the referee can inspect the player prior to allowing them to return to the match).

    If players in the 12U and older divisions were instructed to remove earrings and the like prior to the game and the referee discovers them wearing earrings during the game, then the referee is required to suspend the match, Caution the player, and instruct the player to leave the field. The player can be replaced with a substitute for the remainder of the quarter or the team can play short until the player removes the earrings. If a player is going to return to the game, then they may not enter the game until the next natural stoppage in play since the referee must inspect the player prior to them re-entering the game.

For age division 10 and under AYSO does not give cautions to players. If the coach was instructed to have earrings / jewelry removed the parents should be reminded by the coach again that players will not play if they wear jewelry. If the earrings / jewelry cannot be removed or parent and/or player are unwilling to remove them then the player will sit out the game. If the referee discovers during the game that a player entered and is wearing earrings then the referee is required to suspend the game, Caution the coach and instruct player to leave the field. The coach is instructed to check all the players again for earrings/jewelry and if needed to tell the parents to check their child and help remove them. The game will not restart until all players have been checked again by parents, coach and referees and earrings / jewelry have been removed or players decided to sit out the game.

AYSO is very concerned about player safety and the integrity of the organization. California mandated safety courses have emphasized more awareness. Referees and coaches should never be pressed in any way to ignore this rule for safety to allow players to wear jewelry. Referees will instruct the coach once during check-in and the coach informs the parents immediately thereafter to check their players and remove any jewelry. The coach to inform the referee of the players sitting out unwilling or unable to remove jewelry and this information will be entered on the AYSO line up card.

  • Casts & braces - Players cannot wear a hard cast or braces/wraps with a hard (plastic or metal) component during the game. And, no, you cannot wrap casts or braces with bubble wrap, foam, or any other material and allow them to play.

    In fact, players with a cast cannot return to practices or games (after the cast has been removed) until a written doctor’s release is submitted to the Regional Safety Director. Parent’s cannot authorize or accept liability for a player’s return – AYSO requires us to receive a medical doctor’s permission allowing the child to return.
  • Wrist bands - Players cannot wear friendship bracelets, wrist bands, sweat bands or any other item on their wrist unless it – like medical identification bracelets – has been taped close to the skin.
  • Glasses - Glasses may be worn with or without a band to hold them on the player’s head (although it is highly recommended). Glasses do not have to be prescription for a player to be allowed to wear them.
  • Hats - If, the referee’s opinion a hat has a soft, flexible, and easily folded brim, then the referee can allow the goal keeper to wear a hat.
  • Shin guards under the socks - This last topic might seem trifling and petty. Yet, for the safety of others, players are required to wear shin guards under their socks. We often see parents placing shin guards on top of socks and folding the top of the sock over them. This is dangerous for other players. The shin guards must be under the socks and not on top with the sock folded over the shin guard.

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AYSO Region 73

Box 371, 4725 Panama Lane Ste D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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