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Is a try-out based, internal gaming-circuit program that offers players a higher-level opportunity to refine their skills in a more competitive playing environment. Teams travel and have games Home and Away.
INTERESTED? Click Here. | ™ AYSO EXTRA in Region 73 This program is only offered when supported by
coaches and parents and team volunteers. The program suits 10U -19U but not all divisions are available. R73 is playing in Section 10, Area A and most EXTRA teams are in the 10U-14U divisions. Section 10 schedules the EXTRA games. These games are out of Region Plays and as such approval from our Regional board is required for any player and volunteer to participate. |
For those who want to play harder and still be a part of AYSO, EXTRATM is perfect! This program gives AYSO athletes a more progressive soccer experience. With the right balance of competition and inclusion, you can feel secure knowing your child is part of a trusted organization and will be given fair playing time.
See also AYSO Website EXTRATM info.
How are AYSO EXTRATM games organized?
Your Region determines the organization of EXTRATM play to suit its needs and numbers, but AYSO’s core philosophies are still in place: everyone on the team plays at least 50 percent of each game; selection to teams is based on open and fair evaluations, and the teams are chosen to create a competitive balance.
Can my AYSO EXTRATM child also participate in AYSO Core?
EXTRATM players that also participate in the primary program at the same time can participate fully with both teams as well as All Star, tournaments, National Open Cup, National Games, and travel teams. Players playing only on an EXTRATM team are eligible for tournament, travel or other secondary program teams.
Where can I find an AYSO EXTRATM program?
EXTRATM can only be offered in areas with a regular AYSO program and is coordinated with your AYSO region 73. No paid coaches or referees are allowed. All AYSO standards for training and certification for coaches and referees are in place.
AYSO EXTRATM program in AYSO Region 73?
Contact our commissioner Julio Velez, [email protected], if you are interested in this AYSO EXTRATM program.