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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.

Coaching Clinic Schedule 
Regional Coach Administrator (RCA):Pat Coplan
Visit this page frequently as information may change up to last minute.

Only registered AYSO volunteers can take courses and receive credit.

coach has a very important position. They deal directly with the youth players and as such they have great responsibilities
The coach will have to take some coach training which is age appropriate for the age division level they will work in, like 8U, 10U, 14U, etc.
Coach clinics are developed with two pieces. Most of the theoretical part is done as an online course. The second part is practical and mostly field work.
All coach students must follow these steps to receive credits get coach certification:
- Complete the online course part. *)
- Print a copy of the certificate and download 
the appropriate coach manual (ETU document library)
- Enroll online for the in-person coaching clinic. Verify course description and the region # and location.
- Bring certificate of completion for online completed part (screen shot or print)
- Verify with the instructor that you are included in the course roster.

- The instructor is not required to give a student credit for a course if the student failed to register
and/or not complete the online course.

Classes Are FREE for all registered volunteers.

There will be no hand-outs in class for documents you can download.

If you are taking a coach clinic at other regions, please tell the instructor that you are from REGION 73. 
Most hosting regions do not charge visitors but some may ask for a small contribution from our region.

Coaching Clinics offered for the upcoming season 

Course nameRoster #S/A/RDateTime LocationContact nameEmail and PhoneComments


Click on AYSOU button. Wait..... On the welcome screen > Training Library > Coaching >> VIEW COURSES > 

 Bring a positive attitude!
Remember we are here for our players in the community!

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 73

Box 371, 4725 Panama Lane Ste D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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