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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.


For age division information and chart see menu item PARENTS


Teams will be formed after Registration Closing date. Coaches receive information as soon as the teams are formed and will contact the parents.
All coaches must complete certification which includes Safe Haven, CDC concussion awareness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and their age appropriate coach training. Study material can be found on the AYSOU website (click on AYSOU button on your volunteer page.)

Teams volunteers should be identified if possible so they can start their training early. This includes Team Manager, Team Referee, Youth Referee and other volunteers. Jamboree is the youngest age division. Coach and parents will take special care of the team's wellfare.
The region not organizes end-of-the year parties or snack-serving (breaks) during the games. These are team parents responsibilities. If someone has an idea which can benefit the region please let us hear from you.

Volunteers must registers and take training and certifications. Ask your administrators.
For board member information see our menu "About Us"

All regional rules and regulations must be followed.
KIDS-zone rules apply to all fields.There is zero tolerance.

For rules age divisions 10U and older see SUMMARY OF RULES.

RULES SPECIFIC FOR 6U (see also rules common for 6U/8U below)

4 v 4 - NO Goalkeepers. There should be no more than 6 players on the roster.  Standard AYSO uniform
Thus the AYSO LINE UP CARD (ALUC) shows 6 player names.
In AYSO we prefer 4 v 4 on the field so players can get as many touches on the ball as possible.

Game Day:
Training and Game day: 6U have a training session of 20 minutes on game day followed by free play (scrimmage) of 2x10 Minutes.
In the training session the coach may decide on any form of restart which helps with the training session.

Standings; Like in 8U there are no standings. These games are to develop players skills without any pressure to score.
Coaches may put scores on the game card for fun but do not count. All players and team always win win.
The line up cards will show wiht "X" players sitting out. ALL players should be on the roster even if they are absent (print ABSENT).

Game Duration:
2 equal periods of 10 minutes halves are played. 5 min halftime break. A quarter is approximately 5 minutes.

for all free kicks opponents must be  approximately 10ft away. All FK are indirect. 

Kick Off: Ball is placed stationary in middle of the field. Ball is in play when it is kicked and moves clearly. The Center Circle if present has 5 yards radius.

Goal Kick not mandatory
: This kick is like IFK. Opponents approximately 10ft from the ball. Consider placing the ball 10ft from the goal if no goal area is marked.
The ball is in play when the ball is kicked and clearly moves.

Corner Kick is not mandatory:
This kick is like IFKOpponents approximately 10ft from the corner. There is no corner arc.
Ball is placed near the corner does not have to be exact or on the line. Do not be finicky. Ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves.

Throw In not mandatory: Options are: Kick-in, dribble in. The coach may use a roll-in if neither player can start play. Determined by ability of child.
The coach will decide based on their evaluation of the player what is most suitable.

Stewards of the game: Coaches and referees can work together to ensure fun play for the player.
For coaches or parents willing to "manage" the game ask for a referee T-Shirt.

RULES SPECIFIC FOR 8U (see also rules common for 6U/8U below)

Training: 8U have one training session during the week and play on game day a scrimmage.
Coaches to mind the recommended periodization for players. Keep training fun and do not overload players.
Coaches determine what is best for players. Player development is the most important.
There is NO winning or losing in 8U games. All players win always.

4 v 4 is preferred and 6 players on the roster.
When the roster has more than 6 players then play 5 v 5 and up to 8 players on the roster.
There is NO goalkeeper on 8U fields.

Standard AYSO uniform. Thus the AYSO LINE UP CARD (ALUC) shows max 8 players. All players must be listed on the line up card.
Print ABSENT if the player is not present for the game day. If late place L in the box. When leaving early make X but write on back of the line up card player left early with parents. When a player is not willing to participate put X and explain on the back of the cardthe reason.
Keep track how much each player plays. Everyone Plays 3 Q of the game in our region. National Rule is at least ½.
So with too many players on the roster the coach will have to rotate weekly that all players have even play time.

Standings: There are no standings kept for 8U games. Standings may be kept for fun but is meaningless. All teams win.
The line up cards will show with "X" players sitting out. ALL players should be on the roster even if they are absent (print ABSENT).

2 equal periods of 20 minutes halves are played. 5-10 min half time break. A quarter is approximately 10 minutes.

All games must start on time. Ball placed in center of field. Time starts when the ball is in play (ball is kicked and clearly moves).

Goal kick:
Opponents must be at least 5 yards from the ball. The field markings may not have a goal area.
If goal area is missing, consider a goal area approximately  4 yards from the the goal line and 4 yards from the goal posts.

Corner Kick:
Opponents must be at least 5 yards from the ball.There is no corner arc painted on R73 6U/8U fields.
Place the ball near the corner. Does not have to be on the line but must be inside the field and not more than 1 yd from the corner.

most common fouls like pushing, pulling, kicking, deliberately handling, charging, tackling, and dangerous play result
in a stoppage. Allow play to flow as much as possible if it is safe.

for all free kicks opponents must be 5 yards away. All restarts are Indirect FK

Stewards of the game: Coaches and referees can work together to ensure fun play for the player.


Although in 6U and 8U officials will seldom find misconduct from players. We do not use sanctions llke caution or send-off for these young players.
These are FUN games and some behavior may be easily corrected with help of a friendly coach and team parent.
However, any dissent from coaches and the sideline must be dealt with promptly. The Laws of the game allow officials to show
Y/C and R/C to coaches. If coaches are not willing to deal with irresponsible parents who misbehave then they may receive the Y/C
and/or R/C instead of the parent and/or the game may be terminated with cause. At these young games there is no need to confront anyone in a disrespectful manner.


ALUC for both teams to be completed before starting the game! Complete these at home as the ALUC is same for each game
Players are listed in order of jersey numbers. Always full roster with first and last names printed regardless if player is absent. 
ALL GAMES ARE PRACTICE GAMES. Entering goal standings on ALUC is optional as for these age groups standings are irrelevant.
Return ALUC-s from both teams at the game to the Ref Admin as soon as the game is finished. Team managers are allowed to handle the ALUCs.

A referee can earn referee points. He/she enters the ID number for his/her 6U or 8U team in the Phone/Email box on the back of ALUC 
These points helps the referee and the team earn awards to be handed out at the end of the season for 6U-8U.
The referee cannot earn referee points for any teams 10U+. For those teams the referee must work on 10U+ games.
There will be a chance to earn volunteer points other than referee points. Ask our regional commissioner.

Ball Size:
is #3. .

*Clearly moves
 = The official decides from his position in the field that the ball has moved.
Tapping the ball is not a kicking motion. Using the foot to position the ball and then releasing it, is not kicking the ball.

Players’ equipment:
Uniform is standard AYSO uniform. Jersey, shorts and Socks.
Footwear. Soccer cleats are recommended.
Shinguard must be worn
 at all times and on the skin of the shins under the socks.

Before coin toss:
Each team completes an ALUC.  A coach or team manager can do this in advance at home.
ALUC includes: (1) the certified and trained coach who is present at the game, (2) all team players present or not are listed on the card.
(3) age division (like 10UG), (4) team ID# (like 03), (5) Date of game, (6) Time slot of game, (7) Field number where game takes place.
Referees if present may complete the back side and may include any comments. If no referee then Coach  / Team manager may complete the ALUC.

During the game:
indicate when they sit out (use X mark). For player absent for entire game write A B S E N T through six boxes behind the player's
name. Use "L" for late, " I " for injury and explain on ALUC (back) the injury. A player who starts the quarter gets credit for the quarter even if sub-out
Young players are unpredictable so substitutions may happen at player's need. Only note which players are out at before starting each quarter.

After the game:
The coach who is present at the game signs the ALUC. A certified and trained Team Manager is allowed to handle the ALUCs if the coach allows it.
It is acceptable and preferred that one Team Manager or Coach brings both ALUCs after the game to the Referee Administrator.

There will be a substitution break halfway through each period. Clock does not stop. This is a very short break no time for coach
instructions. Substitution is also allowed during half time break. No player plays 4Q unless all have played 3Q on the ALUC unless players are ill or injured.
Region 73 plays in the AYSO Section/Area 10/A and every player should play 3Q when possible. ALUC is your proof following this directive.

Water Breaks:
On hot days additional water breaks may be considered and/or break may be extended. Just keep in mind that games are back to back.

Coin Toss:
A coin toss is done no later than 5 minutes before game time and after the ALUCs for both teams are completed.
The winner of the coin toss chooses kick-off or which goal to attack. 
Due to Covid-19 only the referee handles the coin and is not touched by the players.

Kick-off: All games must start on time. Time starts when the ball is in play (ball is kicked and clearly moves).

The ball is out of play when the whole ball has left the field over the touchline or the goal line or when the official blows the
whistle to stop the game. AYSO gives options on the restarts for the ball out of play and Region 73 will use for Fall 2021
program the following:

Throw-In: From the touchline. The player will throw the ball in over the head. Do not be bothered by a perfect throw-in. Be
kind to the players and allow play to continue if any decent attempt is made to throw the ball in. Opponents must be 10ft
from ball.

Goal Kick:
The ball is kicked from anywhere in the goal area. The ball is in play when kicked and clearly moves.

Corner Kick:
The ball is kicked from the corner. The ball is in play when kicked and clearly moves.

At this age division, fouls like pushing, pulling, holding, kicking, charging, deliberately handling, and dangerous play
may result in a stoppage. However, consider that teaching soccer and fun is the real objective so do not be too strict and let
the game flow as much as possible. Err on the safe side if at any time safety may be a concern.

in 6U/8U all restarts are indirect free kicks.
IFK inside goal area for attacking team, place ball on goal area line parallel to the goal line nearest spot where foul occurred.

Dropped Ball: No dropped ball in 6U and 8U games.

No headers allowed. Stop the game and check the player immediately before returning to play.

Stop the game immediately and check on the player. For this age division, there is no advantage to consider.

A goal is scored when the entire ball crosses over the goal line between goal posts and under the crossbar.

Officials:Up to 3 officials. 8U-official or AR certified referees can take any of the positions of the referee or assistant referee.
At this age division youth referees are allowed to officiate the play. We encourage that coaches assist the youth referee in a fun way.
If there is no referee then one coach should be the steward of the play.
It is allowed to have each coach do one half of the game. We recommend that the coach takes a referee class either 8U official or regional referee.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 73

Box 371, 4725 Panama Lane Ste D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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